Team-Building with Service Animals

Millions of people have taken personality assessments, often through corporate team-building exercises. Unfortunately, most of those assessments were non-scientific, meaning that while they may have been entertaining, they were less than helpful for individuals and organizations actually interested in learning something useful.

Complicating matters: assessments that use legitimate Big 5 science – which is personality science’s gold standard for measuring and understanding personality – are generally complicated, cumbersome for the average user, and costly.

In fact, most Big 5 assessment services are plagued by:

  • Assessments that can take 30+ minutes to complete
  • Jargon-choked reports
  • Big Brother-style control of results
  • Approaches that seem built by and for scientists

The personality assessment world also faced one other hurdle: how best to deliver results in a way that doesn’t alienate some members of an organization. In other words, personality science isn’t just complex, it’s also multifaceted, and some people aren’t happy with what the science tells them.

This is why:

  • The non-scientific crowd (aka Myers-Briggs and its many offshoots) limited their output to exclusively positive returns. Hardly representative of the actual human population.
  • The scientific tools have largely been limited to leadership ranks, presumably because they can – and must – take the good with the bad, and also because the tools are generally fairly expensive.

Scientific Assessments for the Rest of Us

How then to deliver legitimately scientific personality assessments to an organization’s rank and file without falling into one or more of the aforementioned traps? Here’s how:

Start with the Science

This is a no-brainer. Organizations and individuals today want science, not alchemy. We employ real Big 5 science into our assessment, scoring, and reports.

Everyday Language

Our reports are written using journalism standards, meaning with language that is understandable and accessible to everyone.

Fast, Modern Approach

Our assessment delivers the same accuracy, but in just 5-7 minutes. And the assessment, and its reports, are available online using any device.

Personalized Access

No more hiding the results and data from the people who actually took the assessment. We provide secure, online access to the reports for individuals, and data to the organization.


By tying results for the most notable traits to animals (in the form of custom-designed icons or Anicons), we make ALL results – even some that can be difficult to accept – more acceptable. Because people can easily understand that personalities in animals can be nuanced – some aspects are desirable, some less so – they are able to see the same in their own personalities.

If you or your organization are curious about what legitimate Big 5 science looks like, drop us a note and we’ll send you our Anicon Team Building Playbook.

Team-Building with Service Animals

Millions of people have taken personality assessments, often through corporate team-building exercises. Unfortunately, most of those assessments were non-scientific, meaning that while they may have been entertaining, they were less than helpful for individuals and organizations actually interested in learning something useful.

Complicating matters: assessments that use legitimate Big 5 science – which is personality science’s gold standard for measuring and understanding personality – are generally complicated, cumbersome for the average user, and costly.

In fact, most Big 5 assessment services are plagued by:

  • Assessments that can take 30+ minutes to complete
  • Jargon-choked reports
  • Big Brother-style control of results
  • Approaches that seem built by and for scientists

The personality assessment world also faced one other hurdle: how best to deliver results in a way that doesn’t alienate some members of an organization. In other words, personality science isn’t just complex, it’s also multifaceted, and some people aren’t happy with what the science tells them.

This is why:

  • The non-scientific crowd (aka Myers-Briggs and its many offshoots) limited their output to exclusively positive returns. Hardly representative of the actual human population.
  • The scientific tools have largely been limited to leadership ranks, presumably because they can – and must – take the good with the bad, and also because the tools are generally fairly expensive.

Scientific Assessments for the Rest of Us

How then to deliver legitimately scientific personality assessments to an organization’s rank and file without falling into one or more of the aforementioned traps? Here’s how:

Start with the Science

This is a no-brainer. Organizations and individuals today want science, not alchemy. We employ real Big 5 science into our assessment, scoring, and reports.

Everyday Language

Our reports are written using journalism standards, meaning with language that is understandable and accessible to everyone.

Fast, Modern Approach

Our assessment delivers the same accuracy, but in just 5-7 minutes. And the assessment, and its reports, are available online using any device.

Personalized Access

No more hiding the results and data from the people who actually took the assessment. We provide secure, online access to the reports for individuals, and data to the organization.


By tying results for the most notable traits to animals (in the form of custom-designed icons or Anicons), we make ALL results – even some that can be difficult to accept – more acceptable. Because people can easily understand that personalities in animals can be nuanced – some aspects are desirable, some less so – they are able to see the same in their own personalities.

If you or your organization are curious about what legitimate Big 5 science looks like, drop us a note and we’ll send you our Anicon Team Building Playbook.