About Lucidata

It’s Our Journey Too

About Lucidata

It’s Our Journey Too

Lucidata got started as an innovative approach to psychological assessments. Meaning, packaging real science into fast, convenient assessments with reports that anyone could easily read and make sense of. And we nailed it (take one of our assessments and see for yourself).

But assessments only go so far. Yes, they’re interesting and even eye-opening. But where do you go from there? What do you DO with the knowledge and, more importantly, how do you use that information to improve key aspects of your life?

So we evolved into a subscription service. One year of unlimited assessment retakes plus access (and receipt) of content designed to help people increase their self-awareness over time (and enjoy all the benefits that come with it).

Our Mission

Let’s be honest. The world – well, the human world – is a mess. What’s behind all that chaos? Humans.

More accurately, humans lacking self-awareness (aka a solid understanding of themselves).

Simply put, far too many of us are moving through life making decisions – often far-reaching decisions – without an adequate understanding of the one making those decisions. Like driving a fuel tanker without knowing how to, you know, drive.

How big is the problem? Take a look at these statistics.


The percentage of people who claim to be somewhat or very self-aware


The percentage of people who actually are somewhat or very self-aware

So our mission is to help individuals (and the organizations that employ or educate them) to discover some things about themselves, to push through that Inherited I and in the process realize they really can live the life they want.

For Groups & Individuals

And while our tools are necessarily designed for individual users, they are available to HR managers, corporate leaders, educators and others tasked with getting the most out of their people. What better way to do that than to help those individuals increase their self-awareness? Again, so many benefits!

The good news? Anyone can increase their level of self-awareness. And even a little goes a long way. But in order for that journey to have any chance of success, you’ve got to want it.

If you do, we can help.

Ready to Get Started?

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