Sustaining the Journey
Sustaining the Journey
T he road to self-discovery requires commitment, effort, and a good bit of courage. Commitment because you’ve got to stick with it; effort because it isn’t easy; and courage because you’re bucking the way things are.
To fuel and sustain that journey, Lucidata provides – via email and secure online hub – a steady diet of content designed to help the intrepid explorer succeed.
From empirical research to practical tips and tricks, our content services deliver – through variety and repetition – a consistent flow of information that anyone can put into practice to achieve desired results.
T he road to self-discovery requires commitment, effort, and a good bit of courage. Commitment because you’ve got to stick with it; effort because it isn’t easy; and courage because you’re bucking the way things are.
To fuel and sustain that journey, Lucidata provides – via email and secure online hub – a steady diet of content designed to help the intrepid explorer succeed.
From empirical research to practical tips and tricks, our content services deliver – through variety and repetition – a consistent flow of information that anyone can put into practice to achieve desired results.
Content Types

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
– Carl Jung –

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
– Carl Jung –
Our Content Categories
There are a variety of forms of meditation, but all of them have one common goal: to calm, still, or even silence the mind to allow our truer nature to shine through.
Journaling is a critical way of keeping track of our thoughts, feelings, and actions during this evolution. Because self-awareness is a journey, your journal is a terrific way to gauge progress.
The core of many philosophical and mystical traditions, self-inquiry is the process of examining the self. Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from?
The cornerstone to any self-awareness journey, mindfulness enables us to tune into our thoughts, feelings, and actions in an open, non-judgmental way.
This section focuses on the need to regularly immerse oneself in periods of silence and stillness to allow an inner voice to be heard.
Also known as a 360-degree review in leadership coaching circles, receiving feedback from others is critical, since they often know us better than we know ourselves.
Exploring the idea of interconnectedness (One) and the humility that comes with acknowledging something larger than ourselves.
There is a wide variety of alternative activities people can take to increase their self-awareness and we do our best to many of them and leave no path unexplored.
Content Categories
Ready to Give It a Go?
Ready to Give It a Go?
Reach out and let us know what you’re after and how we might help!